Hey there. Interesting to know that someone found this note haha. Well, props to you! Goes to show there really are some people who truly focus on the most unnoticed things in life. Or perhaps you've stumbled upon this randomly. Either way, welcome! This isn't really something apart of the website, but more of an easter egg that I decided to hide in here for some fun which is why I won't focus too much on styling this page. As I write this on June 6th, 2021, I just wanted to say how much of a dream this was to make. I never knew I'd truly get to this point where I am now if I hadn't believed in myself. Now you must be thinking, "so much for an easter egg, this dude's just writing a biography of himself"; hang in there lol. Anyways, as I was saying, I'm really proud of making it this far. I've learned so much in the process of web development. Heck, I've made an entire website on my own! To some that may seem doable, but for someone my age beginning this project at around 16, now 17, it felt like a long shot. Part of me wants to believe this was destiny, for me to give this a shot and learn otherwise I'd probably would've missed this opportunity to ever learn about web development. I don't plan to become a web developer, but more of a software engineer with web development as a side hobby, but anyways, it's crazy to know how much I've learned throughout these months. Balancing school and practically a bunch of my freetime searching through YouTube and Google for stuff I'd like to use on this website, it all seems so worth it now. I've learned about databases, and how exaclty they work with websites, I've learned how to style websites a lot more than before, and essentially, how websites are run. I'm lucky to have found a great website publishing site that enables me to freely send out a live website for people to see with just a 2-step process. Anyways, before I bore you too much, here's what you're looking for, and I have to warn you, it may come out as cliche, but... Take any opportunity you get. For me, the suggestion of creating a club website wasn't really that major and just a thought, but I took it in my ability to do it with the minimal knowledge I had. Heck, even my friend suggested to use online website building sites instead of coding it raw. I took that as a last resort since I knew school was going to be a burden. Nah, I perserviered through that. I took breaks and immediately went back to coding this website. This website wouldn't be here or rather, wouldn't be the way that it is now if I hadn't taken that shot. I'm not saying this website is perfect, it's far from perfect and I'm still improving it to this day, but, to the point it is now, I'm satisfied, and even my friend is satisfied. People doubted if I could do this on my own and even offered help. While I thought about that idea, I decided not to since it didn't really work out well, which left me to do everything myself. I was doubtful, but I managed to make it work out. There were times I felt like giving up, especially in the beginning but I'm glad to see how much I've improved since then. I hope you're getting the whole theme here since I've rambled about myself yet again haha sorry. If not, lemme tell you. Take any opportunity you get because it will change you. Perhaps you'll learn more, it'll change your perception upon that thing, and maybe it will build you up stronger and more independently. I hope my (not so boring) motivational story didn't bore you and perhaps you've learned a lot more than what I've mentioned. If so, take it upon yourself. You have the power to change yourself and the world for the better. That's enough cliches from me lol, but yeah. Love you :)

- Hairum Qureshi 6/8/2021